Sunday, April 5, 2009

Feeling Full

Today has been a full day. I feel spiritually fed and physically spent. Conference was great. The kids watched all 4 sessions with us. That is not to say they listened to every talk. They did spend lots of time working on conference packets and coloring, but they sat through it all. I was pleased.

As for today's talks, all I can say is that Elder Holland is amazing. There were lots of good talks today but for me, Elder Holland's talks always stand out. Today that was especially true. His talk on the events of the Savior's life his last week and how through those events He above all understands feeling forsaken, was inspired. 

When we really understand the Savior's sacrifice for us, it helps us feel less alone. He truly knows our every sorrow and pain. Elder Holland puts these truths into such a clear perspective. It is truly a talk worth watching.  Make it a part of your Easter celebration. You can see it HERE. Look on the Sunday AM section.


Rachel H said...

I actually thought of you today as I was watching conference! I am glad it spoke peace to your heart, as it did for many others I am sure! You are an inspiration to many!

byumomof4 said...

I loved Elder Holland's talk as well... he made it all so clear and it was just beautiful.

Marylin said...

I always love his talks as well!! I have just thought I was biased though because I was fortunate to have dinner with him in a very small setting and so I get excited when ever he speaks!! I thought of you and some of my other friends alot this weekend as it seemed so many spoke to those that had lost a loved one, namely a child. I wept as the story about the women coming across the plains had lost everyone in her family and I thought about how our Church leaders while speaking to everyone are able to speak to each individual at the same time. There were moments that I felt they were speaking just to me, what a great gift to have conference twice a year! All my love

Susy said...

I felt so loved when President Monson gave his closing remarks. We are so blessed to know we have a living prophet.

Apron Appeal said...

A lot of people tease me and our family for celebrating Lent and Holy Week. During Hollands talk I was reminded that it doesn't mater what other people think, it's important that we do whatever we can to make Christ's life, suffering and atonement personal to each of us. Now I've got to make sure I don't allow His suffering to continue by being unwilling to recognize my sins and repent of them.


plaidspolitics said...

Yes, I thought the same things! Just finished rambling on about it in another comment to you. Sorry I hadn't read this first. ;)

Neener said...

I agree Stephanie! It was very comforting to my soul to hear his words yesterday about the Savior.

Laura Jansson said...

I don't know you, but have followed your blog. I thought of you as I listened to conference this weekend, hoping you were feeling the peace that I felt as they talked about the ressurection. You obviously did. You're an amaxing family. Good luck in the next weeks as your little Noble will be here so soon!

Ali said...

I just found your blog - was referred here - cried for the past hour on and off. Haven't lost a child - but it is my biggest fear because I don't think I could live through it. I have heard other mothers who have say the only way they made it through was having the Comforter help them. I am so happy you have the Gospel. I also just wanted you to know that your writings are so inspirational. Today I am just feeling unmotivated - and after spending an hour on your blog, I will have a great day cooking for my family, enjoying hearing about their day, just enjoy the "daily" things.

Shanan said...

I, too, really enjoyed Elder Holland's talk. He always speaks with so much love and compassion - but yet so direct.

Presley family said...

I agree with you. Elder Holland's talk was so wonderful. I am glad that I got to watch him. I had to DVR most of it just depending on Collin's mood..... So, I look foward to sitting down while the kids are in school alone and taking in every second!!
BIG HUGS!!!!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!!!