As some of you have already heard, late yesterday afternoon Camille was involved in a tragic accident. She fell into the hot tub at the house and drowned. When found she was unconscious and not breathing. She is currently in an extremely critical condition and in a comatose state at St. Rose Sienna Hospital.
Jonathan, Stephanie and family have been exercising the principle of prayer. We would ask you to do the same. We know that what happens to Camille is in God's hands. While we don't know what his will is with her yet, we would never ask anything less from God than what He can do. We ask you to be specific in your prayers and only ask God for the miracle of a full recovery. If you are able, please couple your prayers with fasting. Also, talk to any others you know of great faith and pass on this request.
At this time we ask for no calls but for you to wait for word from us and to continually keep Camille in your prayers until then. Thank you for your support at this difficult time.
We are finding comfort through these passages on prayer: Mormon 9 and Joshua 1.
We love you. We are praying for all that we know the Lord can do and hoping that it be His will.
With faith,
Nathan, Katie, Michael and Sara
my heart is breaking with yours. i am praying with all my might for her and you. i love you.
We are all here praying for your family and your little Camille. Our hearts are with you.
We are here for you in whatever you may need. May the comforter be with you and may all our prayers be heard.
With love and hope, The Gallachers
Steph & Jon - Our prayers are with you and your family. With hope, we pray that a miracle is the Lord's will.
With Love,
Shanan and Aaron
Our prayers are with you and your family. We are here always, for whatever you and your family needs. We love you!
We are SO sorry that you are going through this. Your faith and attitude are truly an inspiration to us and please know that we will be praying constantly for all of you and Camille. We are here for you WHATEVER you need.
Michelle and Jared Grant
We are praying for you and we love your little Camille and your family so much you are a great example to us and we will continue to pray for a full recovery and for your family. We love you and if there is anything more we can do we would love to help!
Waite Family, We are praying for your little girl and your family. You are not far from our thoughts. If you need anything please let us know. Mike and Karen Stewart
Jonathan and Stephanie,
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and baby Camille. How we love your wonderful family. Love and faith,
Christine, Ray, and family
Jonathan and Stephanie,
Our hearts were broken when we heard the news of your sweet little Camille. We can't even imagine how difficult this must be for your family and you will all be in our prayers!
Matt and Liz (Christensen) Rosenbaum
We will be praying and fasting for you. My heart goes out to you and I'm praying mightily that Heavenly Father is blessing you this evening. Please let me know if I can do anything at all for your family. Our prayers are with you.
The Hoopes
steph, jon and family -
we love you so much. all of our thoughts, prayers, faith, and love are going out to your family during this time. your family is a great example to ours.
catherine & jameson
We are praying for your family, little Camille and the Lord's will. May the Spirit of the Lord comfort you during this time.
Steph and Jon--
We pray for you and all your sweet girls. Love, love and more love,
Emily, Aaron and the squirts
Jon and Stephanie-
Our hearts go out to you during this difficult time and our little family is praying that smiling Camille will be back hanging out in the kitchen drawers in no time.
Please know we love and care for you and your beautiful girls.
Tim & Heather Brown
"May there be angels to uplift you, prayers to empower you and love to keep you."
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Love & Hugs,
Kathy & Mike Fairchild and family
i'm seriously sick to my stomach right now. camille is definitely at the forefront of my thoughts and prayers. love you guys!
Jonathan & Stephanie - we have thought of you all day today, shed tears & offered prayers. Our prayers will joined with many others who love you dearly! Brad & LaRae
Waite Family. We can't imagine how difficult this has been for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jeremy & ShaLayne Stewart
We add our hope, tears and prayers to yours for a miracle on the behalf of your sweet Camille and your family. With love, The Morris'
I'm sorry you probably don't know me but my heart and soul go out to you tonight. May you hold tight to the prayers and fasting in your sweet baby's behalf. May your faith be strong in the miracle of the priesthood. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. -- Carolyn Hafen
Steph and Jon--
We are continually praying for Camille and your family. We love you. We know the Lord loves you and your remarkable faith in Him is truly an example to all of us!
Kathryn and Spencer
Please know our prayers are with you and your sweet family. may God strengthen and bless you all at this time.
I am a friend of Claire's (saw a post on this on her blog this morning) and will pray for your little one and for you and your husband.
We will be fasting and praying for your cute little Camille. I will also take her name with me to the temple. I am so sorry you are going through such a terrible trial.
Shelley (Upton) Schwendiman
Dear Stef and John:
We are praying for little Camille to make a full recovery and for your family to find the peace you need. Our hearts are broken with this tragedy. May the Lord bless you.
Love Mark and Debra Blaisdell
We wanted you to know that we are also praying for you and for dear Camille. No words can express how sorry we are for all you are going through right now. Love, thoughts and prayers,
Dave and Jenny Garff
I believe in miracles!! My prayers and fast are completely focused on this. I love you!! Lori
Waite Family,
My heart is broken that you have to go through this extremely difficult time. We are praying for your family and your sweet little Camille. Our thoughts and faith are with you.
Amanda Anderson and Family
Johnathon and Stephanie,
May you all be craddled in the Lord's arms at this difficult time. Our prayers on your behalf and for a miracle are sent heavenward. Keep the Faith!
Love Carolyn and David Crockett
(McCullough Hills Ward)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. We are here for you.
The Milne's
Dear Waite Family,
I'm a friend of Lesli's and I've never met sweet Camille. But the prayers of my family and I are with you now. May God grant you His miracles and may you be surrounded with His peace.
Angie Fears
Jon and Steph,
Our prayers are with your family. Please let us help with the girls anytime you need. We love you guys very much and pray for Cami.
Kaitie, Tony, and the kids
The scripture phrase "a prayer on your heart" has taken on new meaning as your family has been in our hearts and minds constantly since we've heard. We love you.
Kirk & Rebecca Winsborrow & boys
In reading our post, we meant a prayer "in" your heart but we hope that you feel the prayers of your ward family in, on, and around you all during this time.
The Winsborrows
Steph, Jon & girls-
My heart aches for you as a mother and as your friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Jason & Stephanie Morris & family
Our thought and prayers are with you. We too join in fasting and praying for a miracle for little Camille.
Much love, Art and DeEtte
Jon and Steph,
Our family will be continually praying for Camille. We will also pray for strength for both of you. We love your family.
Many Prayers,
We were sorry to hear such a tragedy as this to happen to your daughter, Camille. We continue to keep her and your family in our prayers and know that the Lord is with you all at this time. Faith, hope, and love.
we have been praying and fasting from the moment we heard. you couldn't have a better family around you. we sympathize with all our hearts.
we love you...greg & sara gillespie
I'm overwhelmed at your loss. I'm so very, very sorry for all you're going through. Please know we're all mustering our strength and love for you.
I found your blog, while reading my friend's blog. I hope you don't mind my commenting. I too am LDS, and of pioneer heritage. My name is Jen Shorr, my family are Tanner's and Malan's.
My 2-yr-old son, Henry, had a near drowning June 28, 2008. We found him floating face down in the lake. His 4-year-old brother saw him first and called to us as he was pulling him out of the water. Henry must have something he needs to do here on earth, because he was able to recover.
I marvel and am so touched at your strength and the strength of your family. Your testimony is inspiring, and gives everyone who reads it new strength.
May God continue to bless you all.
I just found your blog today. I cried as I read your story. My husband recently had an experience--he told me he felt very strongly that our second son, who is 3, is a special boy and we won't have him for long. I wish he hadn't told me. Who knows what will happen. But, reading your blog full of strength and your testimony--it's powerful. I'm so grateful you've shared your story with us.
Dear Camille's mom: you don't know me. I go this blog address from my cousin. But we are sisters in the gospel. I just wanted to write and tell you thank you for sharing your feelings throughout this tragedy of yours. I have three daughters (ages 3 and under) and I have been feeling so stressed out and frustrated lately about all the annoying little things that my kids do. So much screaming, fighting, temper tantrums etc. lately (probably due to the new baby) all of it has been making me crazy. But I sat here this morning and read your blog and I just cried. Huge heartfelt tears for your family and your pain. Then I said a prayer to my Father in Heaven to thank him for my sweet babies. And I took the time to sit and hold each of them for a long while. I told them all how much I love them and how grateful I am to have them in my life.
Through you, I have been given a new perspective. I have some newfly found patience and I am feeling SO SO BLESSED to be a mother right now. I hope these comments don't sound insensitive. My feelings of gratitude aren't intended to make you feel more pain over the loss of one of your own little angels. That is honestly not my intent. I just wanted you to know that your words and your story have changed me for the better. I feel more strength to handle the daily grind of life and be much more appreciate of it. Thank you. You and your sweet family are in my prayers.
I just stumbled upon your blog today and instantly realized that we are not only sisters in the gospel, but also in grief. My daughter Bailey, died in her sleep when she was 7 months old. Her brothers were 4 and 2 at the time. I have since had 2 more chidren. I understand your grief and joy with a new baby. Thank you for showing your strength and being an example to everyone!
im so sorry our hearts are with u guys
You are an amazing woman to go through all this. I can't even imagine. I am so sorry for your loss, god is with you and will help you though:)
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