Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Funky place

I have been in a bit of a funk lately. You know these times when your daily routine just seems so ... routine. It is so easy to forget the powerful role you fulfill as a mother when it is such a long term, round the clock job.

I get lonely for adult company. Especially right now when Jonathan has been working 18 hour days and is currently out of town working to get the Phoenix store open.

But even in my funk I am constantly grateful for the blessing of my children and the privilege I have of being a full time mother to them. It is hard to remember how short this time is with them in my home when I am living it every day. But seeing Sabrina growing into a young woman before my eyes and seeing Harrison hit every milestone reminds me how quickly this precious time will fly by.

So this morning I forced myself to get out of my warm bed and put on my running shoes and hit the treadmill. I ran for 15 minutes straight (which I haven't done in a long time.) And all the way I kept telling myself that this was for my head more than my body. And it helped. So did having my mom come visit and making dinner for a friend who is not feeling well.

And so I work to pull my spirits out of the funky zone. Do you ever get in this funky place? How do you best pull yourself out?


Brittany said...

I am kind of in that right now. Some times I just do not like the tediousness (if that's a word) of day to day life, but I love my girls. At some points during the day, I have been feeling completely alone, which is new to me, and I realize that I need to read my Book of Mormon a whole lot more then I have been lately. And having more meaningful prayers. I love that you took dinner to a sick friend. I need to do service and I have been feeling a need to really teach my girls to serve...that they really need that.

Jackie Koll said...

I get there too. My husband is gone several days a week and the days he gets to come home, he still is gone 14-18 hours. So it is easy to get into a funk with only a 1 and 2 year old to talk to. I try to focus on other things when I get into that spot or even take a day off from my routine and just enjoy watching some cartoons with the kids, reading a book, or doing nothing!

Jonathan Waite said...

18 hour days ?? surely you exaggerate. anyhow, I think you're wonderful, beautiful and yes a little bit funky.

Melissa said...

I can also relate. I am a stay at home mom too. My kids are 9,8, and almost 2. I have been frustrated with my older kids not listening to me. I keep thinking that I should just go back to work. Thank you for you post. It helps to know that I am not alone in this, that other moms are struggling too. I never thought that I would feel this way as a mom. I was always the girl who wanted exactly what I have now, and I AM greatful to be home with my kids, the time does seem to go so fast.

Kathleen said...

I have gotten into a funk many times in my life as a stay at home mom. My children are 21, 20, 17, and 14. It doesn't really matter how old the kids are or how much I love them, I still miss the company of my husband when he is working long hours. I think it helps to make sure you do something for yourself. I am taking a knitting class once a week with my daughter. We love it and the time I spend doing something that is just mine makes all the difference in the world. Remember to pray!

Anna said...

I have found that I am sharpest when I exercise in the morning, take some pictures of the kids during the day and read in the quiet of the evening. Taking regular pictures renews my sense of purpose as a mother. When I get great shots I am so grateful that I took a few moments and captured this fleeting time when they're changing rapidly - even though I'm with them constantly, I'm sleep-deprived and have so little 'me' time that I very much crave. Such is motherhood - intense!;)

Lena Baron said...

Ahhh, these are all wonderful answers and suggestions! I;m glad you asked. Yes, I can relate to your funk! Lately music has helped me a lot. I also agree with the picture taking and the personal reading time. I am still working on the exercise. But I KNOW it helps when I do it. Also, taking five minutes to watch a Mormon Messages clip brings inspiration whenever I watch them. Good Luck on your journey!