Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Party Tonight!

It is my Dad's birthday today. My invincible, charismatic, knows everything father is 73 today. And in true Harris fashion, he is still up in the trees picking pomegranates, moving rocks at the cabin, building and fixing things nearly every waking minute.

The other day my kids were talking about how their Grandpas were different from each other. At first they said that Grandpa Harris was different because he liked to work. I pointed out that Grandpa Waite works a lot! Then Sabrina summed it up perfectly. "Yes but Grandpa Waite likes to work on a computer and Grandpa Harris likes to work with tools."

I am grateful for a father who all my life has taught me about my Father in Heaven by his own example. I have always known my Heavenly Father loves me because I knew how much my Dad loved me. I can't imagine my Heavenly Father would love me any less. And just as my Dad has been there for me to help me out every time I have called him, so my Heavenly Father has been there for me as well. Every time I call upon them for help I get a miracle of one sort or another.

Tonight we will be celebrating with my Dad and his chocolate cake that he has been dreaming about making. Afterward I am hoping to see some friends show up for So You Think You Can Dance tonight. We will start the show at 9 p.m. tonight. Hope to see you there.


lyn. said...

This post made me stop and think about children who have abusive fathers, fathers who have died, fathers who choose to be absent in their children's lives, or fathers who don't live up to their potential, etc.

How much harder it must be for these children, young or old, to understand the love their Heavenly Father has for them when they don't see, feel, or experience that kind of love from their earthly fathers.

Just a thought...

shanan said...

Happy Birthday Dad Harris! You're one incredible man.

Loralee said...

This has nothing to do with your post--sorry.

There is a family in my ward who is facing deportation. Please check this blog to find out more, and if you feel good about it, spread the word. They would appreciate your--and your readers' prayers.


Thank you,
Loralee North

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday Brother Harris! We sure love and appreciate you too! Enjoy your chocolate cake. I'm sure it will be divine!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to make a quick comment and tell you how great it is that you are getting together with friends each week to have fun! Enjoy it while you have the chance. My children are older and each night is taken with sports, YW/YW, scouts, band concerts, choir concerts, the list goes on. Having younger children is very challenging, to be sure, but having those older children who are more independent comes with a price--your evenings. :) I love that you are utilizing this stage of life. Have fun--the rest of us will TIVO it.

Unknown said...

Wow! My dad turned 73 today, too. And even though he's not picking pomegranates, he's a treasured father and grandfather, too! Love what you had to say about a father's role in exemplifying the Heavenly Father.