I want to mark the date for such a wonderful day. Yesterday was a day FULL of wonderful things. The schedule was full with treat making, cleaning, swim lessons, family dinners, incredible food, amazing friends, and it was all topped off with spiritual events that filled my heart. During the baptism I was filled with peace and that amazing feeling of being lifted up to a higher plane of consciousness where somehow the world fades away and life - with all the good and the bad - seems to come together and make sense. I felt a few moments of pure clarity devoid of the confusion and tumult of life. These are the moment we live for. They are beautiful.
We started the day early cleaning the house. My awesome friend Stephanie showed up unexpectedly ready to help. I want to be like her when I grow up. She saw the need when she was over the day before and just came over to help. She is awesome! Thanks again Stephanie.
When the cleaning was done we spent some sorely needed time with the cousins from California who drove up for the baptism. Later more cousins came and we played with all of them over a meal before heading to the church.
Attending Sabrina's baptism and Noble's blessing were: the Martin family whose daughter Alexis was also baptized; Grandad Harris and Nana; Grandad and Grandma Waite; Morgan and Elizabeth Harris with Berkeley, Stella, Charlotte and baby in the belly; Brad and Julene Ballard with Joshua, Allyse, Joseph, Angelina, and Benjamin; Aaron and Carolyn Waite with Eden and Ava (in from Tennessee); Darleen Meier with Stella, Lucas, and Jackson (in from Connecticut); Spencer and Marleen Gunnerson with Nora, Aubrey and baby in the belly; David Waite and Stephen Waite; Chesley and Mary Davies; Justin and Sarah Striblen with Abigail and Madeline; Kathy and Lauren Fairchild; Jason and Stephanie Morris with Jameson, Susanna, Abigail, and Carson; Catherine Noorda with Cooper, Brennan, and baby in the belly; Shelli Bryan with Conner, Ryder, Ainsley and nephew Ryan LaBarbara; Lisa Bench, Carolyn Crockett, Reed Howe; Jonathan and Stephanie Waite with Sabrina, Ann Marie, Lauren, Noble, ... Camille, and many others the eye cannot see.
Yes, at one point in the program at the end of the baptism talk I felt distinctly that Camille was next to me. Moments later her sisters Sabrina and Ann Marie got up to sing a special musical number and I felt she was with them on at the podium. This was one of the highlights of the event for me.
The second came as I watched in the wings with a towel while Sabrina was baptized by her father. It was very much like watching a birth for me. It felt renewing, like the start of a new phase, and I felt the Spirit witness to me more than at any other baptism before that this ordinance is a new birth. Sabrina walked up the steps of the baptismal font to me after and as I wrapped the towel around her I said "Happy Birthday." This was truly a new birthday for her.
She walked into the bathroom to change and said to Alexis "your turn." Later they were confirmed. And after the closing song and prayer we blessed baby Noble. Between my furious note taking I saw all the little children there singing together the closing song and again I had a moment of instruction from heaven. Little children - they are our examples. It is all about becoming meek, submissive, innocent and humble as a little child. That is my goal.
I am grateful for a family so filled with little children to remind me of that and who daily lead the way.

How beautiful and peaceful!
So proud of you Sabrina. Remember to always CTR! I love your pictures especially the one of you reading the scriptures.
Take care.
Beautiful post, Steph. Congratulations Saby. We're so proud of you! We wish we could have been there with you and your family.
Aaron & Shanan
A beautiful event to witness! We are so happy to have been there.
What a beautiful little girl she is...and now, a bona fide member of the Church.
Congratulations to all of you!
(And for Noble's blessing, too.)
I would never wish to go through what you've had to, but I do think it would be amazing to "feel" an angel that is yours from the other side. What a marvelous thing to have Camille in spirit at such awesome milestones. Congrats to all in your family. :)
Stephanie, I don't know you, but I am so glad I found your Blog. You always have uplifting works to share. I enjoy it so much. Congratulations on all the wonderful blessings you have enjoyed as of late. Love, Cyndi Woolley
Congratulations on such a wonderful day!! Sierra was recently baptized too!! Isn't it great to have our children as examples to US!?
When looking back at 'enlightened' moments, I am always amazed at the learning/teaching that takes place in a moment.
Just a stranger who reads and wanted to say Sabrina is SO beautiful. Thank you for painting the picture of such a wonderful day, and I'm so glad Camille was there with you.
I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day and such spiritual experiences :) What a sweet little new member of the church you have, and how neat she shared her day with baby Noble. I'm so glad you felt Camille's presence there, how beautiful. I pray you have a good trip to CA, and you find more peace during this week.
Congratulations to Sabrina! The pictures of her are gorgeous! I am glad that you were able to feel so uplifted, and also that you felt Camille's presence with you. What a wonderful day! It's great that she could share the day with Noble, too. We need pictures of that. :)Congrats!
What a GLORIOUS post filled with such wisdom and faith.
Sabrina's pics are beautiful!
"Jesus loves me, this I know .. "
love n' hugs,
Thinking of you all Stephanie.
Have a wonderful time in San Diego.
I am glad it was a WonderFULL day for you!
Thank you for inviting me to be a part of it!
She has your eyes in the first picture...Amazing likeness. These are so pure and simply delightful pictures. Congratulations Sabrina.
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