Friday, May 15, 2009

Love Multiplies

How can so many people so completely capture your heart? With the birth of each child I am once again amazed that love is not divided but multiplied. It feels as though each of my children has the full capacity of love from my heart. It is a mystifying reality.

Tonight I was thinking about Sabrina as we are preparing for her baptism in a couple of weeks. As I was thinking about her and imagining her in her baptism dress, my whole self was filled with love for her and joy in seeing what a beautiful, loving young lady she is becoming. I wondered that there could be any room to love any other child. And in the middle of that thought I was filled with missing. 

It is with that same intensity that I love my sweet Camille though I cannot see her grow and become. I know she is still growing and becoming. And there is the same consuming love and joy in that knowledge. But there is an equally intense missing.

Motherhood is a magical thing. That we are able to love so fully each of the children God allows us to assist in creating is truly miraculous and wonderful. Through the joy and the sorrow of such great love we learn so much about our Father and our relationship to Him. Oh that I might live my life to bring Him joy.


Bacardi Mama said...

Perfectly and beautifully said.

Diana Lesjak said...

I remember being pregnant with my second baby and having thoughts of "how could I possibly love another as intensely as my first"? You are right...God gives us the ability! Love does indeed multiply, over and over again!

Amanda said...

So very true.

Anonymous said...

I love the last line! You are such an amazing person! Your little girlies and your little man are such lucky kiddos to have a wonderful, righteous mother like you!!!!

Jenessa said...

Although you don't know me I feel as though I can't relate to your last few posts. Motherhood is so amazing! It is so true that we love the one's we serve which is one reason, I believe, we love our children so much. In your previous post you talked about Noble saying goodbye to Camille. I lost my father and older brother when I was 5 in a car accident. When I was in the room waiting to be taken into my c-section I remember feeling robbed of those first few minutes when our babies are so fresh from heaven. Knowing that they had said goodbye to my father and brother all I wanted to do was be the first one to hold them and suck up all that love sent from them to me through my new little baby. Nothing in this world is more important to me than my knowledge of eternal families. I tell my kids nearly everyday how lucky they are to have two very special angels in heaven watching over them. Congratulations on your new baby he is adorable and so lucky too, to have his very own special angel watching over him and all your family from heaven.