I got the photos of the baptism and blessing day from my sister in law Elizabeth. Here are a few of my favorites:

Here are the two little loveys all dressed in white.

I just LOVE this photo with the blue pillow in the background.

This one I love because you can see the necklace of Camille on my neck so close to her little brother about to be blessed.

Super sweet, super traditional photo of dad with daughter about to be baptized by immersion.

Here is dad with his rather unhappy son just after his blessing. Little son got woken up to have this blessing gown put on him. He was none too happy about that but it was necessary because of the story of the dress. ann marie was cuter.
Okay so I was in the middle of typing this entry and got interrupted by life. It happens. So I left the computer and am just now getting back to finish it. In the meantime It seems someone found my computer and added to my entry. You can see the sentence above this paragraph in a different font. I did not write that. I will give you all three guesses on who did. Hmmm....
Back to the dress story. This blessing gown was handmade for the blessing of Jonathan's maternal grandfather, McKay Christensen. It was made by Ann Marie Peterson, Jon's grandfather's maternal grandmother. This grandmother was the only mother McKay ever really remembered because his mother died when he was only 2 years old. His father died when he was 5 and grandma Ann Marie moved in to raise him and his 4 older siblings. She passed away when McKay was 15.
My mother in law told us the story of Ann Marie Peterson's life when I was newly pregnant with our second child. I told Jon that if we had a girl I wanted to name her after this remarkable woman who had great faith and lived a life of service and sacrifice. Obviously we did have a girl and that is why her name is Ann Marie. And yes, she is pretty darn cute.
All of our kids have worn this gown to be blessed. Jonathan also wore the gown on his blessing day. It is a special heirloom and we hope the kids will feel the tie to their faithful ancestors as they look back at the pictures of their blessing day.

The family after the blessing and baptism.