My best friend Emily has created this beautiful bracelet in memory of Camille. She is going to donate all the proceeds from the sale of this bracelet to the LDS Humanitarian Fund in memory of Camille.
The Humanitarian Fund is one of the charities to which we asked people to send donations in lieu of flowers. For those of you unfamiliar with this fund, may I tell you what I know about it. Since 1985, the fund has given relief to 19 million people in 163 nations. Aid is given regardless of cultural or religious boundaries.
My parents have volunteered as humanitarian missionaries for this program, paying their own way to live half way around the world and administer this relief. They spent 18 months in Serbia. There they gave much needed relief to the refugees in Bosnia. They gave out clothing and supplies. In their 24 months in Kenya, they distributed NICU equipment, mosquito nets to prevent malaria, newborn kits, books for school children and they helped natives to build wells bringing fresh water to their villages.
Water is a major issue in Africa and so many women have to walk to the water hole, where the animals bathe and drink, to get the water for their family for the day. Women are killed by crocs hiding in the water. Children die from the illnesses they get from the bacteria in the water.
My parents had the villagers help build the wells and then the humanitarian fund paid for the machinery to pump the water up from the ground to bring fresh water. This gave the villagers a feeling of ownership in the well as they helped dig it. They are then taught to maintain and care for it.
I know the money in the humanitarian fund is well used. I saw it first hand when I visited my parents in Africa for two weeks. I really appreciate all of you who have made donations to the fund. We have received many, many letters from LDS Philanthropies informing us of your donations and your messages of love.
On behalf of Camille, our family and all those that will be helped by those donations, I say THANK YOU.
So please go visit my friend Emily’s site and buy a Camille bracelet. The money will be going to a great cause in Camille’s name. Her website can be found at www.adorn-jewelry.blogspot.com. Go check it out and buy a bracelet for every little girl you know.
In memory of Camille Kathleen Waite
April 19, 2007 - June 15, 2008
Blue Cats Eye beads as blue as Camille’s beautiful eyes.
Swarovski crystals sparkle like Camille’s personality and reflect the light she still brings into this world.
Pearls as pure and white as her soul, too pure for this earth, fit for heaven.
Hearts of love linking Camille together with her family beyond the grave in an unbroken chain of faith and love and covenants.

Child size: $22