Our little 3.2 megapixel Sony cybershot digital camera died this week after an accidental beating by unnamed little women. Sony was a loyal and trusted member of the Waite family for nearly a decade. She was the newest hottest camera available when the Waite's purchased her so many years ago.
Over the last 8 years, she has served the family well. She captured the births of 4 lovely daughters, 16 birthdays, and hundreds of everyday wonders. As of late, little Sony had seemed a bit sluggish in her flash speed. She simply could not get a picture of Lauren with her eyes open if she used her flash. She also found her megapixels more limiting in these modern times.
We will miss our little Sony cybershot.
May she rest in pieces.
She is survived by a new Nikon Coolpix P80. We are anxious to get to know this new arrival and begin recording new memories with her.
Welcome to the family little Niki!