Friday, August 19, 2011

Party of...

Tonight after the funeral, we got ready to feed the missionaries. I had Jon stop at the store to get some ingredients and in an hour I threw together some chicken enchiladas, Texas caviar, and fresh papaya with lime juice. Just before the 2 sister missionaries arrived I figured we ought to set the table. (We don't usually set the table for dinner around here, but since we were having guests...)

I was thinking in my head, "what are we going to need about 8 plates? No there are 8 in just our family. Plus the 2 missionaries. Minus Harrison. He won't need a place. That makes nine." And so we set nine places. 

It was only after the missionaries came and everyone sat down that I noticed one place setting was being unused. I though, "who is missing?" Then it hit me. I had set a place for Camille. 


Today I went to a funeral. It was for a man I have known all my life. I grew up with two of his sons. He and his wife have a house near my parents old house. His name was Ron Gifford. I last saw Ron about a month ago at a meeting for Jon's business.

Ron was a funny, smiling, happy man. I loved his humor. He was one of those people who you couldn't help but smile around. He died rather suddenly after having a heart attack and then quadruple bypass surgery. He was 68.

His funeral was in the same chapel where we held Camille's funeral. We went to church together with Ron and his wife for the first 8 months of Camille's life. This is the first time someone I know and who crossed paths with my Camille in this life has gone on to that other side of life we know as death.

And I wonder if they have met over there as well. I wonder if she has seen him and if he might have said, "Oh hey, I just saw your mom and dad a bit ago. They had your baby brother Harrison with them. They are doing so well."

I feel like maybe such a meeting could take place ... like maybe it has in some form. It makes me feel one step closer to Camille to think so. I look at dying people with a small bit of envy now. Not that I want to die because I just have way too much to live for. But I do envy them being able to so soon be where my Camille is.

Heaven is a happier place today. Ron is there. I am sad he has left us. I am especially sad for him family and how much they will miss him in the days, months, and years to come. But I am happy for heaven to have such a bright light returning home.