My husband manages money. He runs a hedge fund. Jon runs his own shop with no vacation days or sick days. He works from home. He has been building this hedge fund for just over two years. Before that he worked for an investment bank as a stock analyst. This job required lots of traveling. My kids thought he worked on an airplane. I often felt like a single mom.
When we prayed about whether to start the hedge fund, we felt that it would be VERY difficult. But we chose to do it because we wanted time with our Dado. It has been hard. It has been the most stressful job Jon has ever had. He has done very well and we have been incredibly blessed in his business.
Now, however, I can't help but be incredibly grateful to the Lord for inspiring us to do this so that Jon could be home with us so much. Jon works a lot of hours, but because he is at home, he also gets to see so much of his girls. They love their dado. They love to visit him in his office.
On his stressful days, nothing could put a bright ray of sun in Jon's office like me putting Camille's head into his office and then pulling her out. She would laugh and scream at this game of peek a boo.
Investing sometimes takes patience and faith. It always involves sacrifice. You give up your money now and forgo using it on a thing or experience and put it away. You invest it. And you hope that by putting it away for later it will increase and grow and later you will be able to do more with it than you could have done using it today. You give up something good now for something better later. That is one definition of sacrificing. Sacrificing is essentially investing.
I feel very invested now. Invested in heaven. Invested in Camille. It will take patience and faith but I know in the end I will get even more out of my experience as her mother later than I would now. Surly there is no safer investment than putting your assets with the Lord. This is the bright hope to which I cling--that when I am able to raise her I will be able to give her all the love and attention and affection that I am now longing to give her in her absence. Here she had to share my attention with siblings and mundane stresses. Later she will have the full attention of a host of loved ones all wanting to hold her and be with her. Jon and I will be foremost among them, followed closely by her sisters. She will be showered with more love and attention than we could humanly give her at this time. And the pain we feel now will only make that time all the sweeter.
Hope. Faith. Patience.
We have laid our treasure up for more enjoyment on a later day.
We are invested.
I am invested.