Camille at 9 months. Her only trip to the beach.
Tonight the girls asked if we could watch Camille videos. How can we deny this request? We can't. So we put in the DVD and turned on the videos of their little sister. And we all sat and watched.
We marveled at how long Annie's hair has grown. How tall she has gotten. We were amazed at what a baby girl Lauren was in those videos. And Sabrina just looked so cute with her front two teeth missing. She was Annie's age then.
Time is passing. Watching those videos tonight made that fact vivid in my mind. Time is passing, the kids are growing, and Camille is not growing here with them. Our family is different. We have a new family member and he is growing. Soon he will be bigger than Camille ever was and he will only know her from these videos and the pictures of her that hang on the wall.
It is hard to watch the videos. They bring the reality of our loss in to sharp focus. She was such a beautiful baby. And I miss her tonight.