We decided to do a simple Easter this year and forgo the extended family celebrations. We generally spend holidays with either some of Jon's family or mine since both are local. Sometimes we try to do both. But since Easter has taken a deeper root in our souls this year, we decided to do it different and spend it here at home by ourselves.
We started the morning at 6 am. We woke up the girls and they all came in our bed. We opened all the window blinds and watched the sunrise out the view from our bedroom. In the background we had Handel's Messiah playing over the house intercom system. I know that is typically a "Chirstmas" tradition but I just think it carries the joy of the Savior's coming and it fits Easter for me.
As we waited for the sun, we talked about how waiting for it's arrival is a little like waiting for the Savior to come again. We can see the light and know it is near just as we see signs of the Second Coming. Still we didn't know exactly when the sun would show up (we didn't check the internet) and no one knows exactly when the Savior will come again. We just know the sun will rise and the Savior WILL come.
After the sun finally peaked over the mountains, we had family prayer and went downstairs to find Easter baskets and have breakfast. I made a dutch baby while the girls found their baskets. After breakfast, we opened our last Easter egg from our advent calendar and our last Resurrection egg. We read the scriptures on the Resurrection and the last activity was to plant a seed.
Luckily each girl got seeds and gardening gear in their basket so we planted strawberries, tomatos, basil, and flowers. By this time we adults were rather tired having been up late putting together baskets and hiding eggs the night before. So we went up to take naps while the girls played with the activities in their baskets and went hunting for eggs in the backyard.
After our naps, we all got ready for church. The girls had new dresses to wear and new bracelets and lockets from their baskets. They looked so cute with their freshly cut hair and new dresses and shoes and jewelry.
After church we came home to homemade rolls I had rising during church and lamb chili my mom had put together for me. (I don't cook so much these days. It just takes too much out of me. Thanks Mom!) It was a simple meal. I love that it is a meal that could have been something the Savior could have eaten--no exotic preparation or ingredients.
After dinner the girls cleaned up and Jon helped them color Easter eggs. Now the eggs are drying and it is time to get the kids in bed. All in all a wonderful simple peaceful Easter filled with joy in knowing the Savior lives and because He does, so will our little Camille someday.