Sunday, May 17, 2009

Answers to Questions

I have had a couple of questions posed in comments that I thought I would answer for today's post.

First -- Am I going to add a 5th ice cream cone to my header for Noble? You know that is funny because I never noticed that there was an ice cream cone for each kid. I had a friend do my header. If I knew how to add a 5th cone I would totally do it. Hmmm. I will have to look into that.

Second -- Does Noble have my hair line? Hard to say on that. He has so little hair and I am not sure what my husband's hair line originally looked like. I will say he looks very little like my husband. Or at least that is what my husband says. I think all our kids are a good combination of both Jon and me. He is no exception. At this point his hair line looks far more like mine than Jon's. His nose and forehead look like Lauren's. His eyes seem to be hinting they may be blue like Camille's. He has my feet and Jon's hands. Of course all this is subject to change. Babies change their looks so much as they grow.

Third -- How is Lauren feeling about boys and having a baby brother? Lauren said to me the other day -- "Mama, you know I REALLY like GIRL babies... (pause) and one boy baby." I think that sums it up. She has made one exception for baby Noble. She really loves him and thinks he is super cute. 

I got all choked up last night explaining how Lauren felt to Ann Marie. They had been having a rough day getting along. Both Ann Marie and Lauren like to be the boss and like to be right. That can be difficult sometimes. 

The three of us were in the kitchen last night and the subject of Lauren liking girl babies best and wanting a girl baby came up. Annie was not being very sympathetic to Lauren's desire to have a girl baby. I explained to Annie that after Camille died she still had Lauren around as a little sister to play with. Sabrina still had 2 little sisters here on earth to play with. But what about Lauren? Lauren lost the only little sister she had. So that is why she wants a girl baby. She loves Camille so much and misses having a little sister to love and play with. Annie finally got it. 

I told Annie that was the reason Lauren sometimes like to pretend she is the big sister and Annie is the little sister. She misses having a little sister. Annie walked over and gave Lauren a big hug. I think she may be a little more patient with her little sister trying to be the boss of her now.

Okay baby waking and little mothers upstairs with him. I am off.


Amanda said...

That is the sweetest thing and just melts my heart. I wish you and your girls so much joy form your Nobel little man.

Susan Anderson said...

You are a good mom. And a wise one.


Samantha said...

You are so wise to recognize how Lauren is feeling. Even being a "new" mom again with all the tiredness etc, you could turn this into a lesson that made things make sense for Annie in a gentle and loving way. Your a great Mom!

Laura Jansson said...

What a sweet lesson to teach. Brought a tear to my eye--how sensitive you are as a mother to each of your children and their individual feelings. :)

Jonathan Waite said...

hey -- does someone have a problem with my hairline (or lack thereof)??

Marylin said...

Oh what perception you have and then the ability to teach in such a loving way!! Thank you for sharing ,All my love

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! It is true; every one of you have a different perspective on the loss you have had to endure. You have such a wonderful way of teaching your children and helping them understand each other. What a joy Noble will be to your family. Hope all is well and you are getting a little sleep.

Nikki K.

P.S. I love Jon's hairline (my twin brother has the same one).

vocalise said...

Very tender. You are very discerning and that is inspiring.