Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Twice In A Lifetime!

Snow in the backyard at 6 p.m.

That was the last time Las Vegas 
saw this much snow!
Snow out front at 6 p.m.

I remember that event. I was 5 and my parents were having a party. I didn't want to go to bed because it had started snowing and I wanted to go play in it. I was worried it would melt in the night. My mother assured me it wouldn't and I finally went to sleep.

Snow out front just before 2 p.m.

The next morning was Sunday and we had church to go to. Our neighbors, the Zobrist family, went to the same church and we happened to be leaving around the same time. I remember getting into a great snowball fight in our Sunday clothes just before we piled in the cars to head to the church. 

Snow out front just after 3 p.m.

The snow then lasted for days. We built snowmen and all that. There was 8 inches at McCarran Airport that year. This will likely not be as heavy as that year was. My parents said they had 3 inches and they are near the airport. But it is still snowing!?!

Snow out front at 6 p.m.

Here we have about 6 inches now at the base of our mountains and it is really coming down out there still. It has been snowing non-stop since about 10:30. It started as flurries then got heavy for several hours. It started sticking around 1 p.m. It lightened up around 6 p.m. and is heavy again now. It is supposed to continue through the night. 

Snow out back at just before 2 p.m.

I can't wait to see how it looks tomorrow.  We will have to watch the news in the morning to see if the school district is going to call a snow day tomorrow and cancel school. I hope they do. If not we may have to declare our own snow day. Who wants to drive in this anyway? And how often to Las Vegas kids get to play in the snow??? I think I see a snow man happening tomorrow!

The kids with neighbors playing in the snow out front just after 3 p.m.

 If only we had snow clothes! 

The kids eating snow off the car just before 2 p.m.

All ours are up at the cabin in Utah.  

Oh well! 
Hope you all enjoy the photos 
I took throughout the day!
The snow coming down in the backyard at 6 p.m.


  1. Stephanie,

    I am so happy your kiddos got snow! They deserve it and it would be insane for them to have school tomorrow! Las Vegas kids don't get snow...let them have the day off!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs from Oregon

  2. We took a walk in it tonight- snow just makes everything so pretty! I hope it is still around in the morning, too.

  3. Perspective is funny. I just wrote a post about how I hate the snow. (I hate being cold and wet!) However, if I never had snow, I am sure I would enjoy it like you and your family is. My kids on the other hand, can't get enough of it. I do like it for their sake. They have been playing outside as much as they do in the summertime, lately. I hope you do take a snow day tomorrow and have a great time.

  4. Oh, how fun for you to have snow! It's snowing here, too, and I just love it. (Though I also wish we had snow clothes!)

  5. Hey, you got more snow then we did. I'm jealous! No school also. I'm so excited to have all kids home.

  6. How funny . . . here I sit in Ohio wishing we had some snow. What's wrong with this picture? ha

  7. How far do you live from the temple? My aunt lives 1 mile from the temple. Oh i guess that might bet to personal so never mind.
    Snow is great and I have never known in my life time snow Vegas. In fact i remember my cousins not liking the snow when they came to Utah. I spent ever summer of my childhood in Vegas. My grandparents used to live on Russell Road in a trailer park. They now live in Utah!!

  8. Wow! That is amazing. I never saw anything even clost to that when I lived in Henderson in high school. How exciting for the kids!
    Great photos.

  9. Ahh, you got way more than us. That is so cool. Our roads were not covered like that at all. Love the pictures.

  10. Isn't the snow crazy here. I can't believe it. I heard that they are cancelling snow tomorrow. I think we will be building a snowman tomorrow.

  11. It is beautiful. It almost makes me miss living in Utah...almost.

  12. Snow is always magical, but in the desert it's even more special. My girls still talk about the last time it snowed in Vegas. We made maple sugar candy by boiling the syrup and pouring it in swirls on the snow, just like in Little House on the Prarie.

  13. Clark County School District says: NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! Yee-haw! I grew up in Utah...who would have thought that my kids would get a "snow day" for just a couple of inches...gotta love Southern Nevada!

  14. Psssst... I used to live in Vegas, my family still does. They declared a snow day! Wooo hoooo :) I got the email a little bit ago from klastv..... enjoy that snow!

  15. I think I love snow, I'm not sure yet. My husband and I grew up in California and moved to Utah about 7 months ago on faith. So, this is our first snowy weather...

  16. We can't believe we got snow either....and are shocked that it is a snow day for just a few inches!

  17. That is crazy! Love the pictures!

  18. I live in eastern WA, and we have have 2 hour delays every day this week because of snow. I am loving the extra time in the mornings!

    Enjoy your snow Stephanie!

  19. Wow, I grew up in Florida and it was always a huge deal the couple of times that it snowed. It wasn't ever anything real, it all melted when it hit the ground but it was fun. Now I live in Utah and am dealing with my 2nd "real" winter and we just got 4 inches last night...I've got to go shovel the driveway.

  20. When I saw the pictures of snow in the daytime I felt glad I was here in sunny Australia. But the nighttime photos gave me a little pang because I remember how still and quiet a night with snow is. How it muffles everything and still leaves the world looking bright as the lights reflect off it. We sang 'O' Little Town of Bethlehem' on Sunday and I thought of the snowy nights we occasionally had at Christmas when I was a child, the silent falling snow without and the cosy warmth within. It's like being given a gift when you momentarily experience those sweet feelings again. Like a squirt of your favourite perfume...
