Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Best Friend

OK, I was going to title this post “My BFF” but I kept thinking about Paris Hilton and various 13-year olds’ overuse of the term and thought better of it. I don’t want to degrade or make commonplace my relationship with the most wonderful woman out there. Stephanie and I were friends first and always have and always will enjoy our friendship. I remember when I had graduated from college and was single. I didn’t seem to think of Stephanie in romantic terms. However, I always thought about her. I always compared my dates to her. For some reason, I found myself talking about her to my dates. I remember one time during college talking to a friend of mine about Stephanie and the friend replied that her friend had called her a “#@*$@!”. I remember almost exploding in defense of her and how wonderful she was and how that definitely was NOT the case. I have always thought of standing up for your friends but rarely did I feel so emotional about my response as then (probably should have been a sign for me).
I believe the most beautiful thing about Stephanie is her heart. She loves people and can somehow find herself loving me despite my imperfections. She gives people the benefit of the doubt. In my experience with people, those with big hearts are also selfless. Stephanie many times sacrifices for the wellbeing of others. She finds satisfaction in maintaining her two blogs and that somehow and someway others feel lifted up by them. She loves her girls like many of the best mothers do – with all her heart and through selfless service. But she’s also a good snuggler. Mamas that not only sacrifice but also are affectionate are what help families and societies succeed and flourish.
And speaking of snuggling, Stephanie has a way of doing that emotionally with people. She loves to talk to people and find out about them. She loves people in general. Case in point: when we were at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York last week, her favorite pieces of art were portraits. She likes artists such as John Singer Sargeant (among others). While I loved the musical instruments, sculptures, furniture and other inanimate objects, she was savoring the human, emotional side of a painting. That goes the same for movies and TV. She likes drama, romance, etc. that speaks to human relationships. None of that crazy scifi stuff that daddy likes. No, wait a minute – she even enjoys some Star Trek episodes that speak to human relationships and human dilemmas. Her big heart is intimately entwined with enjoying other people and making others happy. I love how much she cares for others and it inspires me to care more for others and to be more selfless.
When I was growing up and would think of people I could envision being in heaven, I always thought of my own mother and a handful of other people. When dealing with contemporaries and friends, you tend to know all their faults and problems. So usually envisioning them in that category is sometimes tough. I admit, when I first met Stephanie I thought she was a nice person, but she was no saint. However, she’s like a fine wine – getting better with every passing day. She’s now up there with mom and others, who have impressed me so much with their Christlike love. The person Stephanie is has now defined part of heaven for me.
We have had our own struggles and challenges (mostly induced by me). But there is no one else in the world I’d rather have by my side. She is my friend in every way and I think of her as part of me. I love you Stephanie and Happy Birthday!
Oh and did I mention she is one hot, sexy woman?? Maybe that’s for another post…


  1. You are so sweet... what a wonderful hubby Stephanie has. You are both VERY lucky!!

  2. I would say, speaking only from an observation standpoint, you two are equally yolked! What a wonderful tribute. Best of luck to you both and happy birthday!

  3. WOW, Jon!

    As it turns out, you didn't need any of our gift ideas for Stephanie's birthday -- even that stunning necklace pales in comparison to this post.

    I too am blessed to be married to my best friend so I have a pretty good idea how much this post means to her.


  4. Okay- that was awesome. As I said in the last comments, something sentimental is the best gift for me. If my husband writes something like this, I could care less about the things he gets me. What a sweet tribute, to a wonderful lady.

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Stephanie!! I hope you're having a really wonderful day!

    Jon, it's so beautiful what you wrote and it's great that you shared it with all of us out here.

  6. Happy Birthday Stephanie! Jonathon, that was a really nice post... love the ending...!

  7. What a beautiful tribute.
    I knew we shared the same name but we apparently share the same birthday as well.
    So Happy Birthday Stephanie!
    Stephanie Willis

  8. Loved your sentimental blog about Stephanie. (It must be true that great minds think alike, because I wrote one about my husband today, too...for our anniversary.)

    Anyway, sounds like you two make a GREAT pair. And I bet she liked the warm and fuzzy post even better than the gorgeous necklace!

  9. how i wish my husband would say this about me, i envy both of you.

  10. Very sweet. What an awesome tribute for your children to read someday.
    Happy Birthday, Stephanie!

  11. Wow, that's exactly how I picture her: loving, selfless and giving people the benefit of the doubt. What a great example.

    Thanks for writing this, Jonathan, and sharing your phenomenal wife with us all. I love your line: "I think of her as part of me." I think that's exactly how it's supposed to be.

  12. Although the necklace is a wonderful and very thoughtful gift, there is nothing more beautiful and cherished than a heartfelt letter or writing.

    I would prefer that for every holiday, birthday, and anniversary over a thing.

    Love the THING you got her though. gorgeous and so unique!

  13. What a great post by your husband.

    Stephanie I was looking for your email in some old posts but I'm not sure you've ever posted it. On my local Dallas mom's board a woman just lost her 14-month-old daughter in a tragic accident within their home. I want her to speak with you so badly but I'm not sure how to get her in touch with you aside from linking her to this blog (which I already did).
    Will you shoot me an email when you get a minute with how I can get the two of you in touch? Or get her in touch with the group you've started.
    Thank you!!

  14. Love the Ode' to Stephanie, Jonathan. I'm sure she loves it too.

  15. Stephanie, you and Doug share the same birthday! Hope you had a good one.

  16. How Sweet! You are a wonderful husband! She is blessed to have you, as you are to have her! What a blessing a strong christ like marriage is! Happy B-day Stephanie! I hope you had a wonderful day! Love, Kelsi

  17. That was so heartfelt and emotional. You two are so blessed to have each other.

  18. That was so heartfelt and emotional. You two are so blessed to have each other.

  19. you done good again, jon.

    I must say, amen. she is all that you say!!!

    happy happy birthday, stephanie dear. :)

  20. Happy Birthday Stephanie! Enjoy the day with your family and friends...including your best friend/hubby who wrote this wonderful post about you. :-)

  21. That was a beautiful post. Hope you had a very happy Birthday Stephanie!

  22. That was great!

    Happy Birthday Stephanie!!!!

    We are going to call and sing to you... But unless you want a solo from me and/or screams from the girls (because that is all that seems to be coming out of their mouths today)... then I'm waiting for Aaron to get home from work, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting... I might need to go get ready for my solo!

  23. Great post Jon...every word so true of beautiful, amazing, brilliant Stephanie. Happy Birthday Super Star Steph!
    Love you!

