Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Switching Sides - Justice and Mercy

 Today's Spiritual thought actually comes from Jared Halverson who does a YouTube and podcast called Unshaken Saints. I was listening to his one for this week on Isaiah 36-49. One thing he pointed out was how Isaiah up till Chapter 40 is heavy on the Justice side of things. There are lots of warnings and prophecy of scattering etc. 

Then in Chapter 40, the tone changes. That chapter starts "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people." These chapters lean heavier to the mercy side of the justice scale. Halverson pointed out that before we sin, Satan speaks to us mercifully - "its gonna be fine. no one will know. nothing bad will happen, you can fix it later, quit tomorrow, repent another day etc." The Lord on the other hand give Wo Wo Wo warnings beforehand. It is the Spirit and is quietly whispering that you know better. And in some cases, it is the Lord sending bigger signs to save you or warn you away from sin. Maybe it is a text from a friend of family member checking on you or even a clear and distinct thought that pierces you or even a voice. 

After we have sinned, the tables turn. Satan begins preaching justice to us. "You are the worst person ever. You can't ever change. You will always just give in so why try to do right. God doesn't want to hear from you. Don't pray, you aren't worthy. etc." But he speaks in first person in our thoughts. 

On the other hand, the Lord holds out His hand to us and begs us to Come unto Him. He offers mercy if we will make the little efforts to begin repenting. 

I remember feeling this distinct contrast as a youth during a significant day of repentance. How grateful I am for the loving Friend our Savior is. I am so grateful that he is merciful when we come to Him in the sack cloth an ashes mindset and brokenness of a repentant heart. 

How can I repent today? How can I make a change for the better today? How can you? 

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