Monday, December 10, 2012

Still here

I am still living over here. :) I have just been struggling to balance mothering and studying for the bar and putting on Christmas and trying to keep the mess in my house from taking over my life.

Mostly the house and blogging have gotten the short end of that stick.

The kids are great. I am savor inch them. I have panic attacks for the boys safety nearly daily. My mind is too knowing and imaginative about so many possible dangers. But they are such good and loving little guys that they melt my heart.

The girls are growing and becoming in all sorts of wonderful ways. It is exciting to see them develop talents and challenge themselves in new areas.

Best of all, my heart is warmed this season by the best gift my children could give me, their love for each other. I love that we went through all the work of clearing out a room so Sabrina could have her own room this summer and for the last month or more the girls are all sleeping together again by choice. Tonight they are snuggled together in Sabrina's bed and trundle.

I love that noble and Harrison have such obvious delight in each others company. This brings great happiness to my soul.

May we All be looking for these greatest gifts this season!


  1. Studying for the bar???? What did I miss? I've been following your blog for more than two years, and I never heard you say you had been going to law school! Congratulations! When on earth did you have time for that?

  2. Great to have you back. I've been checking daily and have missed you!

  3. Stephanie! Thank you again for your blog! You help me!

    I hope to be like your family one day...with lots of other children and happy!!!
    Much love Tiffany Hebb
    **Not sure if I asked you but I wanted you to help me raise awareness of WASHING MACHINE SAFETY, could you share my story or my blog Please?
    Merry Christmas
