Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Help

I read the book The Help about a year ago. I really enjoyed it. I felt it was both entertaining and educational. It gave me a real feel for what it felt like in the South during the civil rights movement and what a scary time it was for so many people. It also gave me a good appreciation for the courage of so many good people to risk their lives in peaceful protest of the injustices being levied against them.

So when I saw there was a movie coming out based on the book, I wanted to go see it. So often movies just don't live up to the book. But I was pleasantly surprised at how much I did like the movie version of The Help.

I will say that I don't feel it gave as deep a sense of the danger and fear felt by people like the book did. It tried. But the book really gave me that feeling much more than the movie did.

The characters, on the other hand, were really well portrayed. I liked the main character of Aibileen better in the book. But I think that is because we got to know her better in the book. I LOVED Minnie in this movie. She and Celia Foote were so wonderful. In fact I think I liked the way Celia was portrayed better in the movie than the picture of her in my head from the book.

I had some great laughs and at times wanted to cheer out loud. I saw the movie with my sister and my mother. My mother, who spent her high school years in the South (Atlanta) during the civil rights movement said the movie did a great job at portraying the feel of the South and how society felt back then. She said the music and the Junior League meetings and social functions were spot on how things went back then.

I wouldn't say this is a movie that most guys would like. But if you want a fun flick with your girlfriends, go see The Help.


  1. I saw this movie last night and LOVED it! I am so glad they stuck with the book fairly closely! I too loved how they portrayed Celia and Minnie's friendship. I thought Emma Stone was great as Skeeter. It made me want to read the book again...probably on my top 10 books favorite books.

  2. Coincidence. I read only a couple of days ago an excellent review of this book on a French blog and immediatly ordered it - surprisingly, I could easily find the English version in a French online bookstore (I like to go for the original). I am saving the read for my upcoming September holiday.
    If the movie ever comes out in Paris, I'll go then.


  4. It was great! I don't EVER think a movie is "as good as the book" but this one came very very close!! I, in fact, have seen it twice, because different friends had waited to see it with me so I just went again! Even better the second time around!!

  5. A group of us went and saw it opening night and loved it! I liked Celia a lot more in the movie than I thought I would too.

  6. I just barely read the book and loved it! I'm kind of hesitate to see the movie because, like you said, they usually aren't portrayed like the book. But maybe I will have to see it now.

  7. I just finished the book a couple of days before I saw the movie and thought I might not like it as much because the book was so fresh in my mind, but I LOVED it! There's always so much more in the book, but the movie was really well done. My husband thought it was really good, but sad. He's reading the book now and really loving it.

  8. I read the book and saw the movie too, and want to encourage everyone to see it. Not only because it's a good movie, but because it's so clean! We've got to support those movies.

    By the way, I grew up in the Hacienda ward too, but am a few years behind you. In fact, you may have left home before we even moved in. Anyway, hello from a Hacienda ward member!

  9. I think everyone, man or woman, should see this movie, and men will enjoy it just as much! I speak from experience, I saw it with my husband, and he said it was one of the best movies he's seen in awhile.
