Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A New Bit

I love seeing new bits of my baby girl. Jon says our brother in law sent him this some time ago but I don't remember Jon showing it to me. Then again those early days were so filled with fog there is much I don't remember from them. 

I enjoyed watching my little girls smile this morning. Jon has done this circus trick in the video above with each baby except Sabrina and they have each loved it in their own way. Another fun thing in this video for me was seeing the dress Camille is wearing. There are very few dresses I bought specifically for Camille. After 3 other girls I have a few baby girl dresses. But this is one that I did buy just for her and I loved seeing and holding her in it. It is so soft and comfy just like the little angel wearing it.


  1. What a sweet treat for you to have this video of your angel!

  2. My brother-in-law does that with his children- it always gives me a bit of a heart attack! She's so sweet, I'm sorry that you've been sad and missing her so dearly this holiday. I'm glad that you are surrounded by such loving family, and are blessed with things like this 'new bit' of your daughter to treasure. Prayers and peace to you.

  3. Look at how sweet that is. You are blessed to have so many beautiful memories that not only are preserved in your mind but the visual is so precious.

    You are an amazing women and your angel baby is with you always.

  4. What a sweet video.. I know you'll enjoy that.

  5. stephanie, your angel camille is so incredibly sweet. oh how you must enjoy seeing her like this.

    you are so brave. and you are such a great mom, watching things like this with your girls (and baby boy) keeping camille alive in your hearts and daily life.

    i hope you're feeling well!


  6. Look at that smile!!! What a treasure to have this video of her. Maybe you don't remember it because you needed to see it now. She is a beautiful angelbaby. Thanks for sharing your testimony through your blog. You inspire quite a few through it. Thanks again.

  7. Camille is beautiful, and SO happy! You can see from her smile, how much she adores her Dad. I'm glad you have this tender mercy, to see this video of her.

  8. I am one of the many anonymous readers you don't know, but I love reading your blog. I came across this poem and immediately thought of you~ I know Christmas is already past, but I thought you might enjoy it:

    Christmas in Heaven
    by Wanda Bencke

    I see the countless Christmas trees
    Around the world below,
    With tiny lights like heaven's stars
    Reflecting in the snow.

    The sight is so spectacular
    please wipe away that tear
    for I am spending Christmas
    with Jesus Christ this year.

    I hear the many Christmas songs
    that people hold so dear
    but the sound of music can't compare
    with the Christmas choir up here.

    I have no words to tell you
    of the joy their voices bring
    for it is beyond description
    to hear the angels sing.

    I know how much you miss me,
    I see the pain inside your heart
    for I am spending Christmas
    with Jesus Christ this year.

    I can't tell you of the splendor
    or the peace here in this place
    Can you just imagine Christmas
    with our Savior face to face

    I'll ask him to lift your spirit
    as I tell him of your love
    so then pray for one another
    as you lift your eyes above.

    Please let your hearts be joyful
    and let your spirit sing
    for I am spending Christmas in Heaven
    and I’m walking with the King.

    I am sorry that you had to miss spending Christmas with your angel.

  9. a beautiful video of a beautiful girl.

  10. i loved seeing her little trick...it brought a huge smile to my face! :) beautiful!

  11. Another anonymous reader's comment: You are an inspiration. Bless you and your family. What a joy Camille is - and how special for you to have this clip.

  12. I believe I saw a pic of l'il Camille's balancing act previously but not the video.

    She looks like she's having a ball -- so trusting in her Dada's hands.

    I love their cuddle at the end of the clip.

    Her dress is just the sweetest thing - easy to see why you bought it.

    love 'n hugs,

  13. I know this is a bit late in the season, but I'm wondering if you have read "The Christmas Box". It is a book about parents who have dealt with the loss of a child. My brother-in-law composed the piano music for the Christmas Box CD which accompanies the book. His music is calming and healing. He also deals with a huge trial on a daily basis, he is waiting for a heart transplant. www.mytricuspidatresia.blogspot.com

  14. Hi Stephanie,

    That is a gorgeous clip of Jon and Camille. I watched it twice.

    A new Camille memory for you - what a gift.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs on this New Year's Eve (or at least it is here in Oz!),


  15. Sure makes you want to squish them, doesn't it.... Whenever I see the video or any pictures I get this pang that I really miss squishing him :)

  16. I love how she wobbles at the end. So cute and funny!

  17. What a sweet baby! She definitely has a sweet spirit about her, and she is so petite! Cute!

  18. precious, precious moments to have on film!

  19. Oh, I could just watch that over and over and over again! What a priceless treasure you found!
