Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Angel Tree

I want to thank each of you who sent me an angel for Camille's Angel Tree. It has been such a joy to see the beautiful ornaments you all have found. This tree has so much meaning to me. My girls have enjoyed putting the ornaments on and I feel a special spirit whenever I look at all the angels there. They represent not only my sweet angel daughter but so many earthly angels who have cared for our family in these past 6 months. Thank you all.

I have been able to write some personal thank you notes. I do have a few more to write. But some of the packages have come without return addresses or the return address looks like it is for a mailing store. I fear some may have accidently been misplace before I got the note out. I would REALLY like to write a personal thank you to those who have sent these. If you sent an angel and didn't get a thank you note, please email me your address and I will get one out to you. 

Here are the photos of the tree. I tried to get all the ornaments in the photos. I am planning on buying a bigger tree for next year. I think a 4 footer will better display these treasures.


  1. The tree is BEAUTIFUL. I especially love the blue angel on the floor, front and center. It just looks like Camille somehow. I'm so glad you did this for yourself and your family. And I'm glad I got to be a small part of it.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. It is even more beautiful than I would have imagined. Absolutely breathtaking and so completely angelic. Thank you so much for sharing.

    No need to send a thank you... it was a gift for you and your family and I know without a doubt you are grateful.

    Merry CHRISTmas, friend.


  3. The Angel Tree is beautiful! Thank you for letting me come in and see it when I came to bring you the ornament. No matter what time of the year it is, I hope you know that we all love you and we all remember YOUR Special Angel. Thank you for letting us be such a special part of helping your family celebrate a part of Christmas with your family and Angel Camille.

  4. Wow- it's beautiful! I'm so happy that you have so many people who love you and gave you an ornament for your beautiful Angel. You are amazing, being on top of it enough to send thank you's out to everyone. I really appreciated the note you sent me as well. Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Thank You so much for posting pictures. How beautiful. Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas Stephanie! I'm one of many (I'm sure) who follow your blog. Your Angel Tree is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I know your Angel must be proud to have you as her Mommy! Thanks for being an inspiration. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!!

  7. Merry Christmas Stephanie! The tree is simply beautiful. I felt such a peace while looking at it.

  8. Thinking of your family as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

    May your home be filled with peace, love and sweet memories ... and the delightful aroma of roast turkey!

    love 'n hugs,

  9. Yes, you definitely need a bigger tree! I have an ornament for you when I ever see you and my mom has one too that she has been trying to get out to you! Maybe you could make some time for me in your busy schedule??? :) just kidding! merry christmas!

  10. I love how your Angel Tree turned out. I have to admit I used your idea and made a angel tree for my Clayton. He was born still this year. The first child for my husband and I. We love our tree. Thank you for sharing.


  11. SO sweet and so beautiful. What a wonderful idea and how amazing that each one was sent with love.

    I can only imagine and pray how this tree gives you comfort. Knowing that everyone who sent you an angel is passing along love and strength to you and your family makes this a more beautiful world.

  12. It's beautiful. I especially love the one with Camille's picture on it.
