Sunday, August 17, 2008

I is a Blogger now

OK, I’m hijacking Steph’s blog today. I figured she needed a break, so she’s off taking a nap right now. Now, I’m not an expert in the ways of the Internets or of the webloggers. However, in my limited experience I have noted some things about blogs and I will try my best to comply with your culture.

Alright, first: bloggers like to eat. Have you noticed all the airtime Chris Herrin and Bouchon get on this site?? Also, just how many blogs are out there dedicated solely to recipes? And for the few of those that are password-protected: just what are you hiding on those sites, hmmmm?? So, in honor of my domestication here is a yummy cookie recipe. Pretty simple, yet yummy ;) (notice my effective use of emoticons)


Description: This is a Harris family favorite recipe

1 cup butter
1 ½ c. sugar
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla
2 1/3 –2 2/3 c. flour (less if possible)
1 t. cream of tartar
½ t. baking soda
¼ t. salt

2 T sugar mixed with 2 t. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Cream butter and sugar. Beat in other 6 ingredients. Form small balls about 1T in size. Roll in the cinnamon sugar mixture to coat. Place 2 inches apart on a cookie sheet and bake for 8- 10 mins at 400 degrees.

Number Of Servings: about 30 cookies
Preparation Time: 30 mins

Now, I understand that there is a lot of “tagging” that goes on in the web logs of the world wide webs. This involves stating 5 random facts about yourself. Since I have no web playfriends I thought I’d tag myself. Here goes:

Random Fact #1. I really do love taking long walks on the beach – especially since I got out of prison.
Random Fact #2. Most memorable concert experiences: New Kids on the Block and Michael Bolton
Random Fact #3. Favorite Job I’ve ever had: Wolfman at the circus. You’d never know it, but the circus has a great pension plan.
Random Fact #4. Favorite Performing Artists of the 80s: Rick Astley, Taylor Dayne and Culture Club
Random Fact #5. I spend all of my spare time reading the blogs of my sisters and sisters-in-law.

I would like to tag the following people: 1, Oprah Winfrey, 2, Kim Jong-il, 3, William Hung, 4, Coolio and 5, Frodo Baggins. You’re it!!!!

OK, not sure if Stephanie talked about this but my girls just got back from China with wonderful news. They were medalists in the little followed swimming competition, the 5-meter doggie paddle. They edged out an Australian retriever for the gold. Thank you Aunt Carolyn for snapping this GREAT photo!!!!

So, I think I have done the necessary rites to become a full-fledged webblogger: 1, posted a recipe 2, was tagged and 3, bragged about my kids with accompanying picture posted. Mission accomplished and I think I smell my snickerdoodles burning. Oh, and see please my second post below.


  1. Jon,
    You are a total crack up! Thank you! I have had a stressful situation on my mind today and needed a good chuckle!

  2. Oh for Pete's sake, thats hilarious! Welcome to the blogging world Jon :)

  3. Congratulations,

    You've got it down perfectly!!!

  4. LOL! But you forgot the lace tablecloth. There are some free ones at :)


    Just another blog stalker

  5. Jon - you crack me up! Too funny! Perfect use of the emicons, full of emotion - and great job of bragging about your children! You're a pro! P.S. how were the snickerdoodles! ;) ha

  6. You are very funny. I could totally see my husband writing something like this. :) And good for you for reading your sisters/sisters-in-law's blogs--I'm impressed!

  7. Jon, you are TOO funny!

    I really enjoyed your post, and good on ya for letting Steph nap. :o)

  8. Wow Jonathan, you are a natural! You should totally blog more often. And you read my blog??!! I'm honored! My own husband, doesn't even read my blog.

  9. Carolyn, i'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news -- there was some fibbing going on in my post.
    i really don't read the blogs of my sisters or sisters-in-law. i MEMORIZE them. Oh, but i did make it to a Michael Bolton concert.

  10. Jon - I don't know you, but you sound pretty funny. You did a great first post...will you be a regular on Stephanie's blog?

  11. I am but my wife's humble servant. I am here to do her as well as her 3 little minions bidding. Every now and then I am allowed to see the light of day as well as post on her blog.

  12. Jon ... Michael Bolton??? Are you serious?? So unlike you. You must have been paid to go! ha

  13. I am laughing so hard right now!!!!

  14. Don'y you worry Shanan. This was post-mullet bolton. Ashley Judd Bolton. Dude had his stuff together. But actually, was an old friend of mine in huntington beach had a free ticket, she was lonely, she needed companionship -- wait -- i think i hear another bolton song coming...

  15. i should probably amend to that last comment that this was during my single days in the HB ;)

  16. That is hilarious. You are a true blogger now!

  17. Given Jon's post, I am going to be brave and say that one of my favourite concerts ever was Culture Club.....There. I said it. Lucky none of you know me!


    Jane from Australia

  18. You picked a great recipe! We LOVE snickerdoodles!!!

  19. Hi, you don't know me. However, this could quite possibly be one of my most favorite blog posts ... Ever. :)

  20. Laughter is the gateway to the soul....thanks for a good start to my day. Gotta love husbands for making light of our very serious blogging addictions!

  21. AhHAHA, I loved this post, and I will say...I am impressed. I think you've pretty much captured the entire blogging culture in one post. Except now you need to surf the Internet and find that outfit you just HAVE to have...and post it.

  22. Welcome Jane! You will find nothing but acceptance and understanding in "Fans of the 80s anonymous".

  23. Oh, thank you so much for that recipe. I have been wanting to make these! I am jealous, you got to see New Kids in concert? You should try out for Last Comic would get my vote! Your beautiful wife is blessed to have you by her side! Oh, and congrats to your girls and dog for bringing it home!

  24. Oh my.... have one funny hubby! I can guess he keeps you laughing!

  25. i was definitely laughing out loud at that one. i think you got it right on jonathan.

  26. I just want you both to know that I have been inspired by you and your strong testimonies of the gosple! I am so blessed to have found your blog! What an awesome experience it is to get a scoop of inspiration from you everyday! I love the missionary work that is going on here on your blog! I am sure that Camille is so proud of you! You both are so special! Thank you for sharing with the world your strength and testimony! I love your openesss and willingness to share and love others in your time of need! You truly are such a Christ like family! Thanks again!

  27. Oh my gosh, you are hillarous! I laughed out loud. And I am very impressed with your photo shop skills, (hope I am not giving anything away on that one). I also am not a blogger, but now I know that when I finally brave the blogging world I will have some idea on some of the requirements. Stephanie you are great and so is your husband, you both have a great calling and purpose on this blog. Thank you for putting a smile on my face.


  28. Who are you and where is my brother?

    He must be in the next post.

    By the way best and first concert ever for me, MC Hammer 1989. All I have to say is, "Hammer time!" No fibbing here. Maybe a slight exageration though.

  29. To the previous commentor:

    Who are you and where is my wife? MC Hammer? 2 ligit 2 quit?

    Jon: You sure is a blogger. What's up with that? You even check comments? Who does that?

    What is going on here?

  30. the olympics photo is so great...thanks for the smile!

  31. Thanks for the good laugh. I have been reading this blog for at least 6 weeks now. It was fun to read today, and see the personalities of your family! It seems like you are the perfect match for each other! That is so great! Continue to laugh...

  32. To the previous commentor:

    Who are you and where is my brother-in-law? I see the time stamp @ 4:40 PM. I didn't think you even came up for breath until after 6 or 7 PM from work. I'm calling your boss.

    On a different note, this website has had a cathartic effect on many people on a myriad of levels. INCLUDING, helping us come to terms with the 1980s (judging by this post's comments). Therefore, I think it important you take the first step and admit to wearing Hammer pants in high school. No pressure though, you can take the first step when you're ready.

  33. sorry that last comment was meant for spencer

  34. Welcome to blogville. I'm confused. you read my blog? Cool. Remember you gave me that Jon Secada CD when you were in high school? I always thought you listened to him and any music listened by you was cool. Thanks for screwing me up.

  35. I came across your blog randomly this afternoon and have spent the day (between stay-at-home-mommy responsibilities) learning of your difficult and heart breaking experiences. I could tell you how sorry I am for your loss, or how I did hug my children a little longer at bed time, which I am and I did, but the thing I wanted you to know above all was the way in which my testimony was strengthened today. I read your grief and felt your tears in many words. However, above all, I felt your firm and unwavering faith in each post from the beginning of your ordeal. As I read each entry and even cried along with you in many, the spirit bore witness and reminded me of those ever- important, unchanging truths. I was reminded of the kind of woman and mother I want to be and the things I need to be doing to stay closer to my Savior and to ensure that I, too, will be with my family forever. The things I need to be teaching my children each day so that they and their testimonies will be strong and steadfast. That you are finding opportunity through your pain and sorrow to share His gospel with the world (literally) is such a miracle. How proud your little daughter must be! Thank you for sharing yours and her testimony with me today.

    McKenna Ralls, just another mommy blog stalker

    P.S. And thank your husband for the good laugh this post provided at the end of a long day! :)

  36. Oh wow...I can only imagine what my husband would write if I let him have access to my account. You're funny. :)

  37. Husbands! they do keep life interesting, don't they? Mine looked over my shoulder last night as I set my blog up. . . I wasn't sure what he would say . . . he can be so private it isn't funny . . oh but wait, he has been married to me for 30 years . . there was no hope. I did enjoy getting a "man's" take on blogging. It is nice to see that I didn't get the last good, kind, decent man left on earth ( other than my sons). Mine was so wonderful through 6 miscarriages. Nurses told me over and over how lucky I was, they see horrible things happen during those stressful times.

    Thanks for sharing all of your insights and testimonies. As a "middle-aged" girl, I have loved being taught by youngsters!
