Saturday, August 16, 2008

Four Princesses

The Four Princesses

My sister in law threw a princess party for her now 3 year old Nora's birthday. We attended in royal fashion.  Even I dressed for the occasion.  Thanks to Kathryn for the bridesmaid dress I wore a decade ago to her wedding. :) 

Here are the younger princesses in their fancy clothes, hair and makeup. 
Sabrina is such a beauty. She thinks I never blog about her. Now is my chance to prove her wrong.  One funny story about Sabrina -- The other night we were watching TV as a family and a commercial for John McCain came on. After it was almost done Sabrina said, "Dad, is he dead?" Jon and I both started laughing. 

Little Lauren Cinderella 
What can I say? 
She is the cutest Cinderella I have seen in years.

And then we have Ann Marie. Red is her color. She thought the red princess dress we have was too itchy so she opted for her fancy Christmas dress instead. I love the sparkle in her eyes. She has the most magical eyes I have ever seen.

I met the sister in laws of two other grieving moms at the small party. It is amazing how small the world seems sometimes. Camille also attended the party. I could feel her there. I really believe she and I were very close before we came to earth. I believe I chose to be her mother knowing her life would be short because I would know her better than anyone else on earth ever would. I wanted to be close to her here for any amount of time I could. I still love being close to her. I believe she is close to us often, watching, comforting, and feeling joy in our joy.


  1. BEAUTIFUL!!!! You are ALL true beauties :) What a wonderful theme party for you and your daughters to attend.

  2. Your girls are SOOOO beautiful. All four of them. :o)

  3. what great photos - you are all so beautiful!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous princesses! What a very fun girly theme.

  5. Sabrina - you look absolutely gorgeous in your photo! I'm glad your mom wrote about you in her blog today ;) You are such a great big sister to Annie, Lauren, and Camille! I miss you!

  6. I'm impressed that you still fit in a dress from a decade ago. I don't think many of us could do that. You all look so pretty. Sounds like it was a fun party.
    Jenny (Earl) Norton

  7. All four of you lovely ladies look regal.

    Your girls even have their poses down pat.

    Such fancy dresses, jewellery & you did a beautiful job on their 'do's.

    L'il girls and dress-up go hand-in-hand, don't they?

    I am so pleased that Camille was there too.

    I am still unclear on our pre-Earthly existance - is there an URL you can suggest &/or some Scriptural passages?


  8. What a lovely entry. Your girls have such a sweet resemblance to you, their mother.

  9. Stephanie... A friend sent me your blog....II read your post everynight. I don't know you but I admire you so much. I am so sorry for your loss and all you have had to endure. I am using some of your comments in my sacrament talk tommorrow. I live in Virginia now but am originally from Southern California ( born and raised in the San Fernando Valley) My folks also had a condo at Laguna Niguel. You inspire me, My bother died at 37 of a drug overdose. He was a brilliant attorney.
    I grieved more for my mother's grief than my own.
    I saw her suffering. I can only imagine what you must feel. I have cried many nights reading your experience. I will pray for you every night. Time does help......maybe doesn't" heal all wounds" but makes the pain bearable. I thought I would never laugh again after what we went through....but I did and so did my mom. You are an amazing example and I know an inspiration to many. I send a warm hug your way. Your other girls are adorable and are lucky to have you for a mother. xoxox

  10. You are look like princesses. Camille's eyes are pretty radiant, too! Guess she takes after Annie. I love that you can feel her near. I pray that lasts forever!

    Wish i could fit into something i wore 10 years and more than a few pounds ago! ouch!

  11. You and your girls are gorgeous! What a fun activity.

    And what beautiful beliefs you wrote at the end.

  12. You princesses all look gorgeous! Very fancy. I bet the party was lots of fun. I love each of the girls' poses. I think they are all naturals! I love that you had Camille their with you. Wonderful.

  13. What a stunning group of 4 princesses. How special to dress up.

  14. You and your girls are beautiful. I can't wait to be able to be a princess with my girls.

  15. What beautiful girls...4 princesses and you, the queen mother who, should feel very good that she looks so beautiful in that dress 10 years later! Very impressive! Love you!

  16. I have to say your girls are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! You definately have the right equation for females!!! GORGEOUS!!!

  17. Thank you princesses for attending Nora's party. Each of you looked fabulous. I wish I wasn't so preoccupied so that I could have felt sweet Camille in my home too. Knowing that you did makes me happy though. I'm happy my home could house such a beautiful spirit. Again, thank you ladies for coming.

  18. You are so talented as a writer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have touched my life more than you will ever know. As a mother I am strengthend by your testimony. I love how you said that in the preexistence you and Camille chose eachother. I never thought of it that way, but I love it. I know that is true, I see it in my own kids. I would love to add your link on my blog. I just want everyone to feel the way I feel after finding your blog. If you don't want me to I completely understand. Prayers and thoughts are with you and your adorable family.

  19. I betcha 50 bucks Ann Marie and Sabrina will be models some day. Wow!! Absolutely beautiful!

    Im jealous. I have all boys. I love them lots. But, we don't play dress up. We play in the dirt, build jumps for their bikes and skateboards and wrestle whoever is willing. boys treat me like a queen. Like I said, I love my boys.

  20. I was wondering if you have read Ch. 14 in the Joseph Smith manual. I am trying to catch up today and I thought of you over and over while reading it.
